Sunday, May 4, 2008

The High Cost of Low Prices

I saw a t.v. show last night about the Wal-Mart family that I found fascinating and I thought I'd share what I've learned with you.

Now this program is from 2005 although it aired again last night.The Wal-Mart family (the Waltons) are worth over 100 billion dollars.....too big of an amount for me to grasp my little mind around!!!!
They donated less than 1% of their earnings to charities while Bill Gates donated over 50% of his earnings!
They're making millions at the expense of poor workers from bangladesh, Honduras amongs a few places where the workers work 7 days per week, very long hours, for a ridiculously small pay!
Wal-Mart employees pay into a fund from their pay checks to help other employees from anywhere in need. In 2005, they've donated a total of $5,000,000.00
The Walton family pitched in a measly $6,000.00!
There's a Wal-Mart commercial proudly stating the fact that their products are made in the USA, hence providing valuable jobs for the US citizens when in actuality their products are made from extremely poorly paid workers around the world.

A lot of crime also seem to happen in Wal-Mart parking lots and no one seem to be watching their security cameras at the times.
In Chandler, Arizone, the citizens came together to stop a future Wal-Mart superstore from being built in their Inglewood neighborhood. They stopped the monster in its tracks.

This is just some of the info I collected while I was watching the program but I found this website that dwells more in debt at all the facts:

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